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Translations are provided as a service to users of the website, and are provided “as is.” No warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of any translations made from English into any other language. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace human translators.
The website has been translated for your convenience using translation software powered by Google Translate. If you have questions for your Ventura County Fire Department about these changes, contact us at call (805) 504-6858. mail at Office of the State Fire Marshal C/O FHSZ Comments, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, P.O. and as adopted by CAL FIRE on November 7, 2007.
Written comments can be sent to CAL FIRE through email at by U.S. of California' as required by PRC 4201-4204 and entitled in the California Code of Regulation, Title 14, Section 1280 Fire Hazard Seve iity Zones. For further information regarding the adoption process, please visit the OSFM FHSZ Maps page.

At this time CAL FIRE Office of the State Fire Marshal is reviewing all comments received during the public comment period. The public comment period closed April 4, 2023. The draft map and other information is available at The zones fall into three categories: moderate, high and very high. The map of these zones identify the likelihood an area will experience wildfire.ĬAL FIRE’s fire scientists and wildfire mitigation experts developed the map using a science-based and field-tested model that assigns a hazard score based on the factors that influence fire likelihood and fire behavior. The Fire and Smoke Map shows information on particle pollution, fires and smoke plumes: Particle pollution data: Particle pollution, also called fine particulate matter or PM 2.5, is the main type of pollution in smoke. Real Estate Inspection (AB-38) ComplianceĬAL FIRE – Office of the State Fire Marshal is in the process of updating the state’s Fire Hazard Severity Zones for rural, unincorporated areas.